Huddersfield New Testament Church of God

Enter Into His Gates With Thanksgiving


 Our church works with various community groups and projects around the Huddersfield area. 

The GNS Project & Beyond the Gate are two organisations that we partner with to helping them achieve their targets.

GNS Project

The GNS Project has six focus priorities. The aim of the organisation is to provide services of positive social interaction, change and education. 

mentoringMentoring Programs
 - A range of mentoring & befriending programmes that enhances the personal development of young people and adults. 

youth projectsYouth Projects - Our youth projects provide age related activities, social skills and friendship opportunities. Youth clubs that engages potential offers support and education


Neighbourhood Watch & Safety
- We aim to help and reduce local crime and support communities with street monitoring methods

inmate supportInmate & Probation Support - Providing a service to help family and friends visit inmates nationwide as well as guiding inmates to a better future.

luncheonLuncheon & Activity Club - Meet new people, enjoy a friendly atmosphere and learn new computer skills as well as engaging in numerous games and activities.

communityBME Community Education & Development - Through a variety of workshops and seminars, the GNS Project seeks to develop the BME community through education and training.

Visit the website for more details - click below

GNS Project

Beyond the gate

Beyond the gate is a prisoner and resettlement support group which exists to enhance the life of prisoners and their families whilst in prison and after their release. Our aims and objectives are grounded in our statement of values enables an individually tailored approach to the support given.

rehabilitationA life-skills education program that provides individual follow up support to inmates. The program provides life-skills coaching to reduce the risk of re-offending after release.

inmate supportSupporting inmates and family members with close contact though visits, phone calls and letters. Aiding inmates through the process of prison life and after release.

preventionThe 'Prevent and Divert Strategy' aims to motivate and encourage children and young people and divert them from crime and anti-social behaviour.

Visit the website for more details - click below

beyond the gate